{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2022-11-12T09:06:41.802Z", "attributedTo":"https://gopinath.org/actors/rahul", "to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://gopinath.org/actors/rahul/followers"], "content":"


My #introduction: I am a lecturer (Assistant Professor) working in Software Engineering at University of Sydney.  My focus is on Program Analysis, Automatic Repair, Mutation Analysis, Specification Mining, and Grammar Based Generators. I am also extremely interested in all Parsing techniques.

I am here to meet with other like minded researchers who are working in similar areas. If you are ever in Sydney, Australia, please ping me, and we will arrange a meet up.


Finally, if you are looking to host your own instance for free, I have a write up here.

", "mediaType":"text/html", "attachment":[], "url":["https://gopinath.org/2022-11-12-my-introduction"], "type":"Note", "id":"https://gopinath.org/objects/QnNcvzgO71k" }