{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2023-04-10T05:46:38.588Z", "attributedTo":"https://gopinath.org/actors/rahul", "to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://gopinath.org/actors/rahul/followers"], "content":"

It seems that I have almost entirely replaced my use of Grammarly and LanguageTool with ChatGPT (GPT4). The ability to instruct the AI on what to do in different parts, --ignore latex comments, keep the structure, make abstract concise, make introduction simple etc.--are a real game changer for me. However, I find its ability to write code I want *extremely* lacking!.

", "mediaType":"text/html", "attachment":[], "type":"Note", "id":"https://gopinath.org/objects/dggXQ30i5oY" }